Ezko works to an organisational model that provides for flexible support across our various operations, with a robust and highly experienced head office team providing functional expertise to assist our operations, our clients, and other stakeholders.

200+ years

of combined experience


Richard Kowalik

Executive Chairman Ezko Group

Charlie Vasilas

Group Executive Director

Tracey Broers

Group General Manager Risk

Dolly Krecu

Client Service Manager

Paul McKenna

Client Service Manager

Alen Zuzic

  SA Regional Operations Manager

Rakib Rajib

  Client Services Manager

Professional Development

Ezko provides numerous training and development opportunities for its staff and management team. We partner with several training organisations to ensure our team has access to learn about the latest industry innovations, as well as supplementing their management capability and legislative knowledge.

Ezko and its training partner has delivered a broad range of training solutions for staff, including:

  • Certificate IV diplomas in Cleaning Management
  • Frontline staff Customer Service
  • World Class Customer Engagement for Managers
  • Accredited First Aid Training
  • greenR and safeR online certification for all staff
  • Safety training related to manual and chemical handling